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The importance of combing hair before bed

The importance of combing hair before bed

The importance of combing hair before bed.

Combing the hair before bed restores blood circulation and makes hair grow faster, and rinsing the hair with cold water strengthens it.
Your hair and it is real, but with differences that we explain to you in the following points: 

1- The hair should be combed several times during the day. This saying is true, but the hair should only be combed while styling it
Because combing without necessity makes weak hairs fall out quickly.

2- You can't make thin hair Soft is larger. Incorrect because winding hair on hot or regular rollers .Exposing it to hot dryer air gives it more volume.

3- To clean the hair completely. You should wash it with shampoo once., then rinse and wash again. Not true because shampooing
Once cleans it enough.

4- Rinse the hair with cold water to make it stronger It gives it shine. This method may help you wake up and feel energized
Strengthens hair, but does not give it luster or shine.

5- If you remove gray hairs or White wildly coming back and growing. This is not real, but hair removal is usually by pulling
Bad and harm the roots of the hair and affect its growth.


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